Tideman. Tideman! (pounds desk) TIDEMAN! (Cs50x 2021 weeks 2 and 3)

If Week 1 was the learning equivalent of jumping into an ice-cold pool and trying not to drown, Weeks 2 and 3 were doing the same thing from a ground level diving board and from the high dive, respectively. Once you’re finished it’s not too bad, but the process of getting there instils a vague sense of dread followed by a terrifying ice-cold shock. Content Week 2 spent some time on the concept of arrays; integer arrays, string arrays, multi-dimensional arrays and what you could do with them, and assessed this through some basic cryptography. Specifically, a fun little program for scrabble scoring, followed by a couple of encryption puzzles. All this took a few hours start to finish and while the harder of the encryption exercises involved a bit of head scratching and a couple of frustrating re-writes of code, it didn’t require any particular mental gymnastics, and I was done with it by Tuesday. Week 3 though, oh boy. I started watching the Week 3 lecture on Wednesday fresh-...